Physical and mechanical features investigation of protein-based biodegradable films obtained from trout fish waste

Document Type : Original research


Transfer Phenomena Laboratory (TPL), Department of Food Science, Technology and Engineering, Faculty of Biosystems Engineering, University of Tehran


Biological packaging material based on obtained proteins from fish waste, are biopolymers that have the capability of biodegradable film formation. Thus, purpose of this research is to study and investigate some of films’ physical features made from trout fish Myofibril protein. The film forming solution containing 1.5%, 2% and 2.5% (w/v) Myofibril protein isolate of 100ml solution and glycerol as plasticizer in three levels 25%, 50%, 75% (w/w) per dry material have been used. In order to solve existing protein in solution its pH must be reach to 3 by 1molar HCl. Films have been produced by casting method for 48 hours in 25°C. Then film’s mechanical features, water vapor penetrability, films solubility in water, transparency and color were investigated. Effect of protein concentration was significantly obvious on films mechanical features, thickness, water vapor penetrability and color. Obtained results from statistical analysis data by SPSS software showed that films with 2% (w/v) dry material along with 50% (w/w) glycerol demonstrated the best mechanical features.


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