Evaluation of antidiabetic and antioxidant properties of selected soybean varieties and their suitability to incorporate into wheat bread

Document Type : Original research


1 Department of Chemistry, University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. 11600

2 DFST, FLFN Wayamba University of Sri Lanka


This study evaluates the antioxidant and antidiabetic activities of selected soybean varieties, Sri Lankan P.B 1 and Indian MACS-330. The methanolic extracts of soybean were in-vitro evaluated for their antioxidant, α–amylase, and amyloglucosidase inhibitory activities. Mixed flours with different proportions of soy flour (3%, 5%, and 8%), in wheat flour were investigated for their bread quality. Sensory properties of the bread were evaluated by trained panelists and the proximate composition of bread was assessed according to AOAC procedures. The research results show that the inhibition activity of α-amylase and amyloglucosidase did not differ significantly (P<0.05) from each variety. However, the total phenolic and flavonoid content of the Sri Lankan P.B 1 variety was not significantly difference (p > 0.05) than the Indian MACS-330 variety. The methanolic extracts from soybean may inhibit key-enzymes associated with type 2 diabetes, and thus may explain part of the mechanism by which soybeans exerts this health-promoting effect. As soy flour content increased, all the macro-nutrient parameters increased except carbohydrate content. The highest overall sensory score was the bread with 5% added soybean from Sri Lankan P.B 1. In conclusion, the functional and nutritional properties of the bread can be improved by the addition of soy flour.


Main Subjects

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triplicate readings. Values with the same superscript on the same row are not significantly different (P > 0.05). *L value represents lightness a* value indicates
redness b* indicates yellowness.
Variety Crumb color Crust Color
a* b* L* a* b* L*
Control 64.27a±1.05 0.35f±0.2 0.21d±0.55 46.55a±0.26 5.86d±0.45 0.44e±0.12
S. L variety 3% 56.40bc±1.54 1.02d±0.35 0.32cd±0.12 43.54b±1.57 8.86b±0.61 0.37e±0.14
S. L variety 5% 47.95e±0.55 1.82b±0.15 0.34c±0.38 42.06b±0.70 9.35b±0.28 0.42e±0.65
S. L variety 8% 48.06f±0.81 2.66a±0.19 0.51a±0.15 38.10c±1.64 12.50a±0.16 0.67cd±0.86
Indian variety 3% 56.20c±0.65 0.57e±0.95 0.16e±0.25 45.49ab±1.07 7.35c±0.15 0.55d±0.25
Indian variety 5% 54.70cd±0.52 1.00d±0.49 0.36bc±0.17 43.40b±0.97 9.25b±0.15 0.96a±0.01
Indian variety 8% 52.17e±0.72 1.44c±0.15 0.48b±0.13 47.10a±0.68 12.99a±0.44 0.85bc±0.02
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3% 5% 8% 3% 5% 8%%
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