Comparison of Peracetic Acid with Organic Acids on Microbial, Chemical and Physical Properties of Red Meat after Slaughtering in Refrigeration

Document Type : Original research


1 Department of Food Science and Technology, Safadasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran

2 Department of Food Science & Technology, Safadasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


This study aimed to evaluate the effects of peracetic acid compared to lactic acid and citric acid to improve the shelf life of red meat in refrigeration. Sequential concentrations (50, 200, 400 ppm) of organic acids and peracetic acid were sprayed on the meat surface. Then the level and intensity of germicidal impacts on microorganisms were investigated and the effects of these compounds on peroxide value, and sensory evaluation were determined. Mesophilic microorganisms, salmonella, Escherichia coli of meat samples were determined during one week in the refrigerator (first, fourth, and sixth day), according to the standard methods. The results demonstrated that all peracetic acid treatments caused a significant difference in microbial counts compared to equivalent dilution of other solutions (p˂0.05). Sensory evaluation was performed on color, smell, and general acceptability factors based on the 5-point hedonic method. Comparing the peroxide value in the examined meat samples showed that increasing the peroxide value in treated meat samples (p˂0.05) did not lead to undesirable alterations and no effects on consumer acceptance. The findings of this study demonstrated that the use of peracetic acid especially at a concentration of 200 ppm immediately after slaughter can extend the shelf life of raw meat.


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